Saturday, March 15, 2008

Live and Undead at OmegaCon

I've met several cool people so far at OmegaCon, ranging from the very famous and equally tall Peter Mayhew (that's Chewbacca to you) to David Talon, author of The Last Guardian of Mosh Chaltun. We also picked up a copy or three of The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O'Hare by Scotty Roberts. As to be expected of a first time Con, there's been a small amount of chaos that seems to be smoothing out nicely. If you haven't hit OmegaCon yet, it's well worth the price of admission.

Best of all, the folks over at the Books-A-Million booth have sold at least twelve copies of my book. A special thanks goes out to the members of my Writers' Group, the WTF, for manning my table and sometimes the tables near mine. They'll also be providing a nice surprise for attendees of the 9 PM Writers' Group panel.

Back into the fray,



Anonymous said...

WOW. Now I really wish I could have made it to OmegaCon. [Unfortunatly I have a really good excuse.] FYI: I visited and there's a little notice on your book page that you better order soon, there are only 4 left in stock with more on the way. Looks like sales are going great.

Lou Anders said...

Great seeing you there Jeremy!

Starbuck O'Shea said...

Yay for Jeremy -- my hero of the Authors Nook! Thanks so much for being the roving point man for the lit track.

It was great to meet you. Also, I hear many folks loved the Saturday hall party that you and yours set up. :>

Omegacon owes you, Jim Minz, Lou and the ladies of Tor much for the soothing of authors.


Henry Andrews said...

Hi, thanks for sharing this